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PermaLeaf - artificial plants

Something a little different today, a sponsored post from one of the leading manufacturer of outdoor artificial plants and trees for commercial projects and the wholesale trade -  PermaLeaf.

PermaLeaf are a US based company, currently only shipping to the USA so for all of us based in the rest of the world it's a chance to feast our eyes on some lovely inspiration of how artificial  plants can be used in our homes, gardens and work spaces.

6 innovative ways to upgrade work efficiency, the green way!

What if going to work felt like going on vacation everyday! The pattern, monotony, and predictability of work space replaced by adventure, innovation and life! The idea sure feels like music to the ears, and the world of artificial foliage has now made it a much more tangible  treat to the eyes as well. Companies are trying their best to design strategies to make the workplace a full-of-life place to create happier people working within. Moreover, what better way to do so than using our mates from the plant kingdom!

 The replica plants have taken over the world of designing office areas with rage, and outdoor landscaping has never been as effective and appealing ever! Artificial plants and trees can be used innovatively to create designs that suit a variety of settings. They can also be used creatively to serve specific purposes, apart from just improving the aesthetics of the workplace.  Here are some interesting ways to incorporate design and thought using faux plants for that special artsy look.

1. Say it with plants!

The replica boxwood topiary letters lend a very stylish and contemporary look, and they can be used both outdoors as well as indoors to convey specific messages to people visiting the office area and also the people working within. The signage could be used to motivate, create awareness or just to create some humor. Moreover, saying it with plants can be the best form of connotation.

2. Health the healthy way!

The major concern looming over the people with sedentary jobs is - the lack of exercise. Every small step towards maintaining health, especially of the staff, can work wonders for the institution as a whole. Promoting small movements within the work area may include encouraging the staff to use the staircase instead of the elevators. To make this exercise a pleasurable one, the staircase areas can be decorated with artificial green walls, and the entire stairway can also be lined with hanging baskets or topiaries. This can also prove to be a green stairway to a healthy life!

3. Green mirror!

A very creative way of making people feel outdoors, even when working, is to make them see themselves surrounded by nature; and a unique way of achieving that is by lining the mirrors in the workplace with faux plants. As these plants do not require any specific level of maintenance, it can be a very effective way of making the people feel in a garden, every time they catch a glimpse of themselves in the mirror. The mirrors in the walkways and alleys can also be lined by artificial plants for the same effect, even for visitors.

4. Cast the mystic spell!

A very effective way of keeping people in high spirits is by keeping them engaged in mystic things around. A novel way of having this achieved is by growing plants upside down, suspended from the ceiling. Lights and other decorative pieces can be used together for a multiplier effect. This creates a very intriguing effect, and every spectator is bound to give it a second look and wonder how that works. A very green and interesting way to keep them stimulated!

5. Growing bulbs, glowing ideas!

Discussion rooms and meeting rooms in every institution have a tense and serious atmosphere which indirectly hamper the rate of sprouting ideas that are expected from the place. Innovative bulb planters with artificial foliage can be used to illuminate the discussion rooms with life and energy, and also augment the incidence of many interesting ideas from the discussions happening in the rooms. 

6. Garden on your table!

Terrariums are like a full garden but in a miniature and manageable form. They can be used to give the feeling of instant vacation at one's desktop. As they are a replica of a full garden, the effect is the same and even these small moments help in creating a pleasurable work environment.  They can also be hung or placed in cafeterias or lounging areas for the relaxing effect.

The outdoor artificial plants and flowers come in a huge variety and individuals could choose the ones most suited for their purpose and setting. Several combinations can also be tried for a different look, keeping the purpose intact. Isn't it a blessing to get back home after a day's work, all livened and more energized?

Thanks to PermaLeaf for some interesting ideas and beautiful inspiration. Artificial plants can be a real godsend for people who are horticulturally challenged, or those who are away often. In the workplace they just avoid that awkward moment when the person who normally takes responsibility for watering is on holiday and the real plants start to suffer!