Sum of their Stories Craft Blog

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My Favourite Finds June 2015

Well, June has gone in a flash - how can we possibly be at the end already?

I did manage to find a few lovely things to share this month though, here we go:

Inside the Fox Den have some lovely kitchen printables with quotes from books about food and drink. This one is my favourite, but then anything that mentions tea is fine by me!

There are 3 to choose from and they are free to download.

This gorgeous planter started it's life as an inexpensive plastic salad bowl! 

Christine from Where the Smiles have been totally transformed it using a paint technique that looks like magic to me!

I've not picked up any crochet for ages but this pretty blanket from 5 Little Monsters is going onto my list.

It's a "join as you go" method which means no sewing up at the end which would suit me down to the ground. The pattern is free and there are loads of instructions to help too.

And finally for this month, a Doctor Who craft. I've not talked about anything Doctor Who for 4 months now so it's definitely long overdue - have I mentioned I'm a big fan???

Nikki from Tikkido has a full step by step tutorial for this two hearts tardis fabric t-shirt. She made it for her daughter but I'm thinking it would be just fine in adult size too! Nikki has LOADS of fabby Doctor themed projects, especially party ideas. Worth a look if you have a Whovian in the family.